Ok, for all the people who want to know what the PPP (America: CBYX) is:
It's an exchange between American and German youths. The exchange program was found in 1983 and since than American and German students visited each others country every year. The PPP is a full scholarship at which the students stay for 10-11 months in a hostfamily.The only thing that had to be payed by their parents is the student's pocketmoney. It sounds pretty awesome getting this scholarship (it is*smile*)but it was not that easy.
First I applied for the scholarship (with the hidden agenda of why not trying?but I never thought I could get it) and the German Bundestag send me many, many papers (15-20...) to fill out in two weeks. Some stuff was easier some wasn't...after I had send this back, I got a letter in which stood that I was chosen to be interviewd to (maybe) get into the "finals". This interview was in a small group (6-7 people) and (luckily for me) in Weinheim (im Central*lol*). Anyways, the interview started with a few questions about ourselves in front of everyone. Than we had to present our personal representations of the topics we had to choose a few days earlier. After that the "inspectors" (2 people from GIVE) picked us individualy out of the room and we had a little personal interview with them. During those personal intervies the remaining youths had to fill out papers about English grammer and answer some personal relationship questions. The whole interview took 3 hours and I thought I screwed up...apparently I didn't :-).
A few weeks later I got a letter (again*g*)in which stood that I was in the "finals". That meant waiting another few weeks, because now a Bundestagabgeordneter (it was Mr. Lothar Binding for my constituency) had to decide between 5 left students to pick the final scholarship holder. Finally I got the letter which said that I was the scholarship holder. Which meant my parents saved 9000 Dollars and my mother was totally shocked because I got it. ;-)

So, that was the way I got my scholarship. Of course that doesn't answer all the questions some people have. If you want to know more, either you can write me an e-mail (I promise to answer if I can) or you can go to one or more of the links I have on the Link-page.
PPP (Parlamentarisches Patenschafts Program) or CBYX




About my hostfamily
